AIET Procedure

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AIET is a four-step procedure illustrated in the diagram below.

Step 1: Peripheral Blood from the patient will be collected in the hospital where the patient is admitted.
Step2: The collected peripheral blood will be transported to NCRM Laboratory for processing
Step 3: After expansion in the lab for specified number of days, the processed NK Cells and CTLs will be               transported from the Laboratory to the hospital where the patient will be admitted for               transfusion
Step 4: The processed cells will given in the form of an Intravenous injection, after which the patient               needs to stay in the hospital for 6 -8 hours observation

The date/day of transfusion may vary depending upon the growth pattern of the cells and other factors such as Chemotherapy schedule if any. As the chemotherapy may cause lowering of the peripheral blood count including the NK cells and CTLs/ATLs, we recommend that the AIET treatment should be started before starting the chemotherapy or during the initial stages of the chemotherapy. For the best efficacy of the AIET, the chemotherapy should be stopped three days prior to the AIET transfusion and resumed three days after the transfusion.

The day of harvest/transfusions will be discussed with the treating physician and decided subject to the general condition of the patient, other concurrent treatments, logistics etc.

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